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Below you can find a list of the services we provide, for any questions feel free to call our office or email us. Email is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Heating & A/C
Window Motors
Order Tires


Oil Changes
Minor Repairs

Brake Work including pads, rotors, and caliper repair

Minor bodywork

****We do NOT provide NC inspections****

We accept cash, checks, credit/debit, & Cashapp. 


Welcome to our website, we look forward to doing business with you in the near future. On the site you can find a list of our services & a little information about who we are. If we are unable to provide the service you need we can refer you to someone that can. 

"You've got to get up every morning with DETERMINATION, if you're going to go to


-George Horace Lorimer

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